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Reasonable Light Destribution

Creates A High Light Utilization Rate.

 If you a member of our Affiliate Program,there are step by step guides to show you how to start promote your Affiliate.

in the member area of left side,click on "Marketing Materials"

All our led products affiliate resources are in this area,we'll daily update our resources,including:images,url of keywords,video and so on.

you can promote our homepage as affiliate links,also you can promote our produt list as affiliate links


Just click on the resource list whatever you like to promote


Now,there are two ways resources we offer your affiliate,"banner" and "text ad

About text ad

We collection and update target keywords which user regular search from google or other search engine,that is great conversion for promotion and help you earing more money

you can select all code by press the "Select All" button,then insert then in your blog/article post,or you can split them with "Affiliate Link" and "keywords archor text",if you know little of html knowledge,that's simple,right?

Now,Insert them whatever you like,your blog,your article,your homepage friends links and strat earning money!

About Banner AD

We have professional Creative Dream Works Team to design and collection Original photos Works from our lighting poject,lighting Fair,all the picture will be update.so it is great result for that target market for home design,lighting design,museum lighting design,art gallery lighting and more.

You can select all code then insert then in your blog/article post,or you can split them with "Affiliate Link" and image url link,if you know little of html knowledge,that's simple work.

That is all you done.

We'll show you which way to promote your affiliate links and earing money even if you don't know about internet marketing In another step by step guides

more helpful information:

Back To Affiliate Main Page

How To Set Up Our Affiliate Program

How To Use Your Affiliate?

Which Method Can I Use To Promote My Affiliate And Earing Money?