• By Skype:fitechsales3
  • By Email:mickey@ledingthelife.com
  • By Wechat:15119477864

Reasonable Light Destribution

Creates A High Light Utilization Rate.


Please describe your shop so potential affiliates can understand:
1.what you do?
we are the professional company to research and develop the LED lighting products for our life
2.what is your shop's niche market
Our products will be the best choices for the Museum lighting,Art Gallery lighting,Coffee bar lighting,Home decoration lighting,Living room lighting,Dining room lighting,and so on.
3.what you sell
we sell the LED focus spotlight,LED focus track light
4.who your customers are
The artist,lighting designer,home decorating designer,the owner of the Museum and Art Gallery,the people who want to light their work or ornamental in their life
5.where your customers are located
The worldwide
6.Average Order size

Unique Selling Points:

1.What is your value proposition?
Our concept of light and pursuit:Light is not only for illumination but also the channel for people to communicate.
So we will arrange the light position and brightness precisely.
How much light is just right?
Decent brightness with right position can create right atmosphere and relatively a sense of independent space.
Light should be where light is needed,keep clear and not to interfere other functional area.

2.Do you have exclusive products?
All the products are exclusive global with focus control technology,accurate light distribution technology and the light direction adjustable technology as a LED lighting innovator and cultivator specialist in LED spotlight.Light can move with the mind.You can DIY
your lighting space according to your mood,will and need.You can make the light scope adjustable according to different objects.Move the light with your mind.Improve the utilization rate of light,no light is wasted.

3.Are you the biggest seller in your market of LED lighting?
We are the biggest seller in the markets of LED lighting for home lighting,Art Gallery lighting and so on.

4.Do you offer special services (e.g., free gift wrapping, free shipping, etc.)
Yes,the special service in the holiday of some countries with discount price or free gift wrapping or free shipping.


Create a comma separated list of categories applicable to your shop
LED focus track spotlight,Surface mounted spotlight,LED recessed spotligth,E27 focus spotlight,LED track spotlight fixture,easy installing accessories,E27 spotlight accessories,museum lighting,art gallery lighting,home decoration lighting,living room lighting,bedroom lighting,bedroom lighting,kitchen lighting,hallway lighting,cofee bar lighting,

Affiliate Keyword List:
Create a comma separated list of keywords your Affiliates should use on their sites
LED lighting,LED focus spotlight,LED focus track spotlight,LED track light,LED spotlight,Zoom LED spotlight,LED focusable spotlight,LED Zoomable spotlight,LED spot light

Affiliate Percentage -paid to affiliates 5%
This is a Shop wide setting, and will be applied to ALL affiliate orders.

You can edit a single product or affiliate's commission by using the Alter Commissons section within the sidebar menu.
Return Day Policy 20days
Set this setting to match your return policy, as affiliate payouts will become official after this many days past the authorized order being placed.
E.g., An affiliate order is placed on Jan 1st, if you enter 20 days, the order will be Valid on Jan 21st and you will owe the affiliate the commission after that day. If the order is canceled prior to Jan 21st, you owe them nothing.
Payout Currency - Currency used when Paying Your Affiliates



2.Amazon.com Associates Affiliate

3. Google Affiliate Network